At SCR, we specialize in connecting with the most elusive audiences. While finding these respondents is half the battle, selecting the optimal research methodology to engage them is equally critical. We offer full support across a diverse set of methodologies, from IDIs, Online Surveys, to CATI, and Focus Groups. You have the flexibility to dictate our level of involvement – whether you require just recruitment/sample services or a comprehensive full-service approach, including hosting/scripting and moderation.

Quantitative Research Methodologies

  • Computer-Assisted Web Interviewing (CAWI):

    Online Surveys involves respondents completing surveys online. At SCR, we excel in curating tailored online surveys that target hard-to-reach audiences, ensuring you get precise and actionable data from the right respondents.
  • Computer-Assisted Telephone Interviewing (CATI)

    Telephone interviews uses structured questionnaires conducted over the phone. SCR stands out because we seamlessly integrate technology with skilled interviewers, making sure even the most niche audience segments feel comfortable sharing insights.
  • Phone 2 Web (P2W)

    P2W combines telephonic outreach with online data collection. Not only can we screen them over the phone (quality check) but it also avoids any bias by having the respondent fill in the survey online. SCR is adept at this hybrid approach, ensuring higher response rates by engaging participants through their preferred channel.
  • Mixed Mode

    This methodology merges various data collection methods. SCR's expertise lies in harmoniously integrating different modes to ensure comprehensive insights without compromising on data quality.
  • Tracking Studies:

    These studies monitor changes over time. With SCR's robust recruitment capabilities, we ensure consistent participation, offering reliable and longitudinal insights into hard-to- reach sectors.

Qualitative Research Methodologies

  • Telephone Depth Interview (TDI)

    TDI involves in-depth conversations over the phone. SCR's skilled interviewers have a knack for establishing rapport, ensuring genuine conversations even with top-tier professionals.
  • In-Depth Interview (IDI)

    Whether face-to-face or remote, IDIs offer deep dives into individual perspectives. SCR's meticulous respondent vetting guarantees you engage with the exact profiles you need, obtaining rich and nuanced feedback.
  • Focus groups (FGs)

    FGs bring together multiple participants for interactive discussions. SCR's edge is our unique capability to recruit diverse yet specific participants, enhancing group dynamics and insights for even the most niche sectors.
  • Custom Methodology

    Tailored research designs to meet unique needs. SCR's strength is our adaptability. We design and execute research that perfectly aligns with your objectives, ensuring access to the hardest audiences out there.

Can’t find what you’re looking for? Get in touch now to discuss your requirements.

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